Might be Building a Gunpla Kit Again

It has been a long time, maybe years since I last built a Gunpla kit. I had retired from the hobby, disposed my unbuilt kits and a few of my tools. Financial constraints might be my major reason but I think the lackluster part of Gunpla building has consumed me. I may look at released Gunpla kits from time to time but that does not seem to excite me now. That is until is I saw the preview pics of the MG Deathscythe Hell to be released by Dragon Momoko.

As a 90s kid, I grew up watching Gundam Wing as my first Gunpla series and got enticed by the five major character and their mobile suits and since then was a fan. Seeing this version of the Gundam Deathscythe has given me an insight and a reason to purchase and build a Gunpla kit again. Time might be a factor for me now but having a snap build is good and satisfying already. Anyhow, here below are some of the preview pics published at the Dragon Momoko FB page.

The sleek design can make us conclude that this kit has surpassed the original build of the Deathscythe. Let us just be wary though of possible loose or not connecting parts given that it is a third-party released kit.

I had already placed my reservation for the preorder at my local hobby store and the owner said that the possible price would be around P1300 to P1400. The final price are to be posted.

We will see how this goes once the kit arrives and maybe I can publish an unboxing post again to scale the quality of the parts.