Hectic Weekdays, Hectic Weekend

I am back home in Iloilo after the International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning 2018 held in Manila last Wednesday to Thursday. It was exhausting yet enjoyable in the aspect of learning from the researches presented in the various sectors of sustainability. What I enjoyed the most was the researches of the Sustainable Transportation category in particular the ones presented by the delegates of Xavier University in Cagayan de Oro. It was very relatable to the traffic situation here in Iloilo city and also I got to learn more ideas on how to address these.

What is exhausting in our part was the flight schedule that we took. To be specific, it was the first flight to Manila for the day and directly into the event venue. Obviously we lacked sleep as we had to get up early to prepare and be at the airport by 4am. Listening to the morning presentors already got me snoozing every now and then and it got worse in the afternoon. Good thing the transportation researches got my attention and that I was able to record one talk and forum discussion.

The flight back to Iloilo was scheduled the night after the second day of the conference. It was again expected to be tiring though we were able to drop by the airport earlier because of perceived traffic. We took our dinner there and waited for the boarding time. It was, however, one hour delayed and we were able to fly at around 11:45pm. I arrived at the bhaus at 1:00am. Lesson learned. Our next booking would be a day earlier so we could get enough rest and sleep. I might need to add that to my reminders.

As of this posting, our research group in P299 will need to review our objectives again and adjust our Review of Related Literature so as to correct it and be adjacent to Chapter 1. I also needed to write that Theoretical framework again. I have the rest of the night for the writing period.

I guess I’ll have to wrap this up for now and so just stay tuned for a detailed recap of my ICURP 2018 experience.

Until the next post.