I have contacted our local TO Rei Coo for the upcoming Magic: the Gathering tournaments that could entice the local Iloilo community in joining and playing competitively with more reason to do so. With that in mind, we tried to gauge the possible dates of the Prerelease weekend since the usual delays on the arrival of the product are expected. This has become the norm since the pandemic struck as the supply chain has been affected.
This is the period where we try to be as flexible as possible and also with the players signing up and adjusting their schedules. This is quite hard as most are already working professionals and that the schedules should be set beforehand.
Anywho as this would be a Prerelease event, we decided to have a PR Pass tournament for a weekly schedule. That is either on the Pioneer FNM or Saturday Standard event. Since this will be for a new set, I think this would be beneficial more for the Standard peeps as a free entry to the Prerelease event would mean free new cards for their decks to use. We will see what our TO would decide on the final date of this tournament.
We will announce the event details as soon as it is finalized.