A Very Busy Bee

Wow, it looks like a long time since I posted a well-contained article. The cause? Recent schedules at work and random projects. Plus I just got out of the hospital two weeks ago due to Typhoid fever, which is also the cause why I missed the Grand Prix this year. That’s really bad timing for me. *sighs* Oh well, I’m back to reality so I’ll just give you a quick update on what’s my current buzz.

– I’m still working at Eversun. Yep, you’ve read it right. Despite of a few resignations recently, I think I won’t be joining the bandwagon at the moment. One reason is that I still got some transactions regarding my SSS and Philhealth which helped me a lot during my hospitalization period. Hopefully the refund will be given asap.

– I’m back at playing Mtg and guess what, got pretty lucky last weekend. Topped Friday’s FNM and got third place on Saturday Standard. I’m still playing Jund so you might say “the same autopilot deck, blah blah blah, blah blah blah.” It’s still a powerful deck I think, despite the hate. Well, the hate descended lately as Next Level Bant is the new popular deck today. Still planning to tweak the deck with Eldrazi Monument but wasn’t able to purchase the artifact at the moment, so I’d stick with the standard build. Our local seems to be changing a little so there’s also a small adjustment on the sideboard (which I am enjoying so far. Master of Wild Hunt is just awesome!).

– Regarding plan B (its still about work), there’s still no definite plan. I’m still thinking on recovering my hospital expenses so that’s the main priority at the moment. I’m still hoping though to initiate this before the end of the year. Need to plan, plan, and plan. 😀

– On love life, well…. Next question please. Lol, just kidding. Seriously though, I’m too busy to deal on that right now.

Did I miss something? No? Okay. I think that’s just about it for now. The new set Magic 2011 is coming so I’m pretty excited on the new cards to explore and hoping Baneslayer will drop a bit in price. There’s no harm on that right. Miracles happen you know. Lol. Anyways, see you on my next post. Banzai! (that’s the group’s current shout out) 😀