What We Did on a Heroes Holiday

Last Monday was a National Heroes holiday and I was happy to have my weekend extend to a three day rest.

Play Basketball. Well, it’s not actually a rest day because the Mtg peeps decided to play basketball that morning at West Bridge school gym. I was able to join only one game because we arrived almost an hour late. Still, it was a fun exercise because I didn’t able to play basketball since college. Lol.

Burger and Pasta Foodtrip. We ended playing at noon and decided to go somewhere to eat. I suggested we go to Perry Todds since I really want to check out the food of that place. Perry Todds is serving the biggest burgers in town at just a cheap price. Since there were 5 of us left as others went home, we ordered two cheeseburgers, a Carbonara, spaghetti (it had a specific name which I forgot) and a tower iced tea. Way to recover that energy spent playing. Lol.

Magic 2010 Booster Draft. After filling up our stomachs with burger and pasta, we planned to spend the afternoon playing booster draft at Rei’s place. We dropped by the mtg store to get some opened booster packs to recycle as draft boosters. Big thanks to Gian for letting us borrow his packs. We do some sorting by colors first and since the packs don’t have rares in it, we substituted a fourth uncommon in its place. We started repacking the boosters after the sort and were able to have packs that are good for two draft sessions.

My first draft brought me to play Red White, Boros aggro type deck and had a record of 2-1. The second draft turned me into mono black with half of the deck filled with spot removals. My game winning cards were a set of Looming Shades. Lol. I lost again on the first round (against Blue White) and won the next two rounds. Record of 2-1 on both drafts is not back I guess.

Check out the pics below.

Overall, it was a fun-filled holiday for me. Thanks to Dj Mards for the pics, to Gian for the booster packs and to Rei for the venue. 😀

How did you spend your Heroes holiday?