Ragnarok M 2.0 Eternal Love – Hyakki War of Emperium (Jan. 27, 2022)

My home guild in the Ragnarok Online Mobile Eternal Love server, Hyakki, during the War of Emperium event last Thursday settled initially for a blank Agit1 Castle on EN22 before channel hopping to engage GVG battle. This was primarily to secure our War of Crystals event last Sunday, and as expected, there were no other opponent guilds that competed on that channel.

After securing the perfect defense, we then hopped to the channel where we looked for a friendly GVG battle with the guild that our vice-guild leader contacted beforehand. The problem then is that they haven’t secured an Agit1 castle yet after we arrived, and several guilds were battling to take it. From the two guilds initially, more and more guilds had now appeared in that area, and we were also trying to battle with them ala royal rumble. We were still able to engage with our target guild later in an Agit2 castle.

You can check below the War of Emperium battle recap last January 20th, 2022.