Completed Kits: HG 1/144 Gouf Custom

I’ve just realized I have a backlog on posting my finished Gunpla kit so I am trying to reduce that. This finished kit project is my recent high grade build from the Universal Century series. I am beginning to like line, and agree that this has the best kits as most modelers do.

I once again tried to look for suited colors of the blue theme, and ended up using clear based spray cans. This time though, I applied a clear coat first, then the decals and panel line and then finished with a flat clear top coat. Other colors I’ve used are flat black, dark grey and the gun metal-ish finish for the weapons and sword.

The kit overall, is a good kit to build despite it’s an old release. If you are a fan of masking then you will up the challenge on masking the shield attached on the gattling gun to apply the proper colors.

Here are some pics of the finished HG 1/144 Gouf Custom.