Completed Kits: HG 1/144 Sazabi

Happy Friday guys! Its Gunpla update once again. This kit was bought when I visited the Gunpla store in the 168 Mall in Divisoria. It was an exhausting experience going through the maze of stalls inside the mall and almost getting lost on the way back. Anyway, this kit was one of my fave mobile suits from the UC series, not to mention it was piloted by Char himself.

Here are the paint jobs I made on the kits.

1. Primed with Primer Grey most of the suit’s armor plates
2. Painted Metallic Red on the primed parts.
3. Painted Flat Black the backpack parts and a few parts in the inner armor and shield.
4. Beam rifle was painted with Flat Black and Pearl White to make it a Gun Metal-ish finish. It was my first time to do this paint combination and it was successful. Woot!
5. Yellow parts and some of the grey parts painted with Flat Clear.

One sad thing that happened while I was assembling the kit was I lost an armor part in one of the thighs. I didn’t know how that happened since I was keen on keeping the parts and making sure not one will be misplaced. But that thing happened, and I am pretty upset until now.

I am checking on how to replace that part, maybe create an alternative out of pla-plates like materials. I tried filling it with Blue Tack, but it won’t strongly hold. Maybe I should learn on using a putty to fill up the space.

Anyhow, I’ll leave to you a snapshot of the finished kit (upper part only sorry).

Hopefully I could resolve this missing part asap. Until next post!