December Gunpla Wishlist (Sort of)

December Gunpla Wishlist
After the GP Hong Kong event, my Gunpla urge seem to come back again. My recent purchase arrived just this afternoon, an order I’ve placed way back in September. This added another kit on my Gunpla backlogs which I try with all my best to finish.

I’ve got the paints to use, but my spray area was to be transferred as the initial location was used for rice sack storage. That is my concern as of the moment, whether to create a temporary spray booth out of used card boards, or to buy a large plastic container and modify it into a spray booth. We shall see what I can come up with.

Since the urge or addiction is there again, I’ve decided to list my buy list again for the holiday month of December. As I recall, my previous buy list was somewhat not achieved. This time, I’ll try to be more realistic and short as possible.

Here it goes:

December Gunpla Buy ListHG Zaku III – I am still a fan of High Grade kits even though most of my Ilonggo Gunpla peeps recommends Master Grade. It is maybe because that I took it as a challenge on how to greatly improve the detail of the kit through my learned skills in Gunpla modeling.

This Zaku kit will be another addition to my mono-eye collection of the Zeon bad guys.

HG Sengoku Astray Gundam – the recent HG releases looks very awesome with the sleek designs and add-ons of the model kits.

This one in particular is a very unique design and version of the Astray Red Frame and I think it would look good to display even with little detail and paint job.

MG 1/100 Daban Tallgeese I – this is good news for me as I’ve previously included this kit in my old buy list and I am sure Daban is above averagely good in duplicating these kits as manifested in their currently released Gunpla kits.

Daban HGUC Gundam Unicorn (Destroy Mode) – I needed this kit to partner with my Gundam Unicorn mode while at the same time another inexpensive buy from Daban.

That is four kits for now, given the time for me to finish my backlogs and then buy these kits. I am hoping for lots of time to complete these two goals. Wish me luck again, lol.