So I have decided to continue working on the HG Nu Gundoom Ground Type despite the missing parts in Runner A. It is already too late for me to have the kit replaced so I will just resort to alternate fix to these parts. Last Sunday afternoon was the vacant time that I get to work on this project and here are a few updates.
First off is my always messy work area just outside my room here in the HQ. If you click on the whole photo, you’ll notice the usual tools that I use in assembling my plamo projects. Next pic is the snap fitted part of the kit’s torso. See the missing part on the lower chest area?

The back pack details look very accurate which I’ve decided to panel wash with Tamiya Panel Accent Color black. Here are the before and after pics.

I also detailed those dots with a silver paint marker and the next step would be to get a fix to cover that missing part on the chest and continue with the snap assembly of the rest of the kit.
Until the next work-in-progress post.