Unboxing the HG MS-06FZ Zaku II FZ

So my recent haul is from the HGUC series, specifically on the War in the Pocket period. This kit is one of the variants of the Zaku II line of mobile suits. This is the mobile suit that fought with the RX-78NT-1 Gundam “Alex”. Its known pilot was Bernard Wiseman.

The package arrived this morning after a week of submitting an order from an online seller (ZeroFour). I was expecting it later on next week, though it was just a good timing as I had my funds to immediately pay for it.

I took some pics as I unbox it from the packaging and checked the contents.

I bought waterslide decals specifically for this kit, and hoping it would arrive next week so I can start this project.

Until next post.

*banner image from Dalong.net