Upcoming Gunpla Kits on my Buy List

Since it is nearing the end of the month of September, I’ve got the buying urge again on purchasing new Gundam kits. Even though I haven’t finished completing my previous purchased kit (the 1/144 Blitz Gundam), I think my hands are getting itchy on constructing new kits. That is even without mastering the Gunpla painting skills yet.

Anyhow, I’ve looked for other online stores in Manila to check if they have decent prices and available kits. My previous purchases were from Great Toys Online and Wasabi Toys. The later prices’ is cheaper though you had to wait a day or two on their response if you ordered through the site, in which they usually email back at near midnight. I think they don’t have online support on the store, though you still can contact through their store cellphone number for faster transactions.

My latest find was on eBay (which I was forced to create an account). The search results yield kits from different series; the common two were from Seed and Double O. The sellers are still from Great Toys Online though I wonder why the prizes here are lesser than those in their website.

Here are the review videos of my choices so far:

First is the 1/144 HG Gundam Dynames

Next, the 1/144 HG Gunner Zaku Warrior

These two are my top choices as of the moment (as I’m trying to avoid buying more. Arrgh). Hopefully I can finish building the last kit before buying one of these. *crosses fingers*

*Article banner pic from Pinoy-hobby.blogspot.com