Work in Progress: HG 1/144 Sazabi

Happy Sunday all, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend break and I suggest you should. Anyhow, here is an update on my Gunpla hobby works. The kit is the HG 1/144 Sazabi of a bootleg brand which I bought when I went to explore 168 Mall in Divisoria last June.

Here are some pics:

Black parts readied for painting.


Shield and torso parts to be painted Flat Black.


Huge Red armor parts.


Parts painted with Primer Grey and Metallic Red.


My working table


The assembled feet.


Halfway there..

The only issue and probably a mistake that I did is that I lost a major piece on the thigh part. I am currently working on a way to replace that part or find it lying around somewhere. Let’s see if I can get some solution for that.

That’s about it and until next time.