Work in Progress: HG 1/144 Tallgeese III

Yes, I am back into working with my backlog kits again. I will make sure this time I can finish a good kit, as well as to learn new painting stuff. Another kit I am multi-tasking on is the High Grade 1/144 Tallgeese III. I decided to complete the Endless Waltz series (just two more to go) with this and the Serpent but I could not find a cheap deal on the latter.

Anyhow, here are some pics of the kit building progress.

The kit’s box cover.

The kit manual.

The kit parts separated by the runner plastic bags.

The kit also has a guide & enough parts to build the previous Tallgeese I and II.

The glued leg parts readied for priming.

The already primed and glued feet, shoulder and waist part.

The beam cannon and lower torso glued together.

Until next post!