How to Write a Concept Paper

I am reposting a summary of the document from the reference folder I got for my subject P299 on the DURP course. This is a brief guide on writing a concept paper for the research proposal which is submitted prior to the submission of a full proposal. The document was written by Hanover Grants.

Applicants may use concept papers in any of the following ways:
• to interest potential funders
• to develop potential solutions or investigations into project ideas
• to determine whether a project idea is fundable
• to serve as the foundation of a full proposal

Funders that request concept papers often provide a template or format. If templates or formats are not provided, the following can serve as a useful concept paper structure.

The Five Elements of a Concept Paper

1. Introduction
– address the reason why the project should be supported.

2. Purpose or Need or Rationale
– outlines what others have written about the general topic and focuses on the gap in knowledge to be filled, the problem to be solved, or the need to be addressed

3. Project Description
-functioning as the solution to the problem, the answer to the need, or the investigation that will fill the knowledge gap.
-the applicant addresses the unique, unusual, distinctive, innovative, and/or novel aspects of the approach.

*The project description includes the project’s Goals and Objectives.
*includes an overview of the project’s Methodology (Project Activities or Action Plan or Approach)
-accomplished within the proposed Timeline.
*concludes with a Statement of Benefits or Anticipated Outcome.

4. Support of Budget
-outline of the main budget categories for the requested project support.

5. Contact Information
-of the applicant organization’s chief executive or his/her designee authorized to make funding requests.