Let the Masteral Course Commence

Officially enrolling at the School of Urban and Regional Planning for the Masteral course of the same field means that I am sacrificing a part of my weekend again for the weekly class. The schedule is every Sunday afternoon at the College of Management building in UP Visayas Iloilo City Campus.

I only have one subject for the semester but that would not mean that it will be an easy one. Our instructor, Prof. Babiera, had begun the discussions on Real Estate Planning with the basic concepts and definitions. He also cited the difference on personal and real property with a few situations and examples. He concluded yesterday’s discussion with the first batch of our assignments and the project for the end of the semester.

Since we won’t be having class next week, it would give us ample time to finish the assignment and come up with a sound and detailed output. Hopefully we can research for our needed references asap.