Two More Board Games

A part of my Shopee spree last December was the impulsive purchase of board games to add to my collection. I may want to learn to play it once, then leave it on the shelves until the next gaming session with my friends or Magic playgroup. The two recent purchases were from an online store for board games in which I got Spyfall 2 and Organ Attack. The prices seem to be reasonable so I gave it a shot. It arrived just before Christmas.

I first learned the Spyfall game during a post-dinner activity with fellow MTG judges in Manila years ago. The goal was just to guess who is the spy before the spy discovered the place where the current game was. This is to be done by the clues from the questions and answers.

I haven’t tried playing the Organ Attack board game just yet but upon checking the reviews online, it is one of the highly recommended games and a friend also attested that it is very fun to play. I quickly browsed through the rule book and noticed similarities with Magic: the Gathering. I have yet to schedule a play session on this with my friends.

That is a wrap for now. I placed them on the bookshelf at the bhaus along with my first copy of Spyfall and the Cyanide and Happiness card game. I might also recommend this on our next after-tournament activity.