A Few Dragon’s Maze Update

So in just a month or less, the latest Mtg set Dragon’s Maze will be released. So far there’s little info that has be spoiled or previewed. One event however (the Pax East) somewhat discussed the scenario of what will happen in the set.

Here is the Pax East Panel video.

And here is the Dragon’s Maze official trailer.

The first official card preview from the set was Ruric Thar, the Unbowed. He is the champion from the Gruul guild and one of the participants in solving the puzzle of the maze.

His first two abilities looks so-so but check the third one. The non-creature spell damage trigger is somewhat built to punish control decks. He slightly resembled the Titans (because of his casting cost) from the previous core sets and is very suited for Domri Rade decks.

I am hoping the other guild champions will also be as powerful as Ruric Thar, and I am rooting for Exava and the new Teysa.

Until next post.