Dragon’s Maze Card Previews April 10

It is currently the first week of previews of the upcoming Dragon’s Maze expansion set, the third and last set of the Return to Ravnica Block. The cards revealed so far are astonishing as always, and with the return and upgraded version of split cards.

The previews today cover the five Gatekeepers from the set, which has ‘enter the battlefield’ effects when you control two or more Gates. Each has its own color flavor effect, like the Sunspire Gatekeeper.

Next is a White instant removal. See Renounce the Guilds.

Renounce the Guilds

I am not sure of its current uses yet, but it can answer a lot of staple cards in Standard right now, like Boros Reckoner. The sacrifice effect makes me doubt if it’s good enough to see play.

Another is the card preview of Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts. I was expecting her to be of similar abilities of the first Teysa and I was not disappointed, though only on her mana cost.

Lastly, another Guild Champion was spoiled over on Reddit and it is from my favorite Rakdos guild. Check out xava, Rakdos Blood Witch.

Her abilities really fit my plan on the Jund aggro list or even just plain Black and Red. I am pretty sure she’s a good replacement when Falkenrath Aristocrat rotates out of Standard. At the moment, I might find a copy or two in my Experiment Jund list.

So that wraps up the previews for today. I am hoping Michael Flores’ column present another staple Dragon’s Maze card tomorrow.

Until next post.