ELD Preview: Torban, Thane of Red Fell

As the Throne of Eldraine card spoilers wrapping up in the coming days before the Prerelease, we expect the cards that will define the deck archetypes in Standard after the rotation. One deck though that is certain to exist even with several rotations and that is the Mono Red Aggro deck. Today’s card preview further cemented the deck’s rank being a Top Tier archetype after Throne of Eldraine hits gameplay in Standard. Check out Torban, Thane of Red Fell.

This is Flame of Keld’s third ability on a stick. The four toughness for four mana cost is okay already and Torban deals four damage with its effect plus its two power. A red source means not only with your burn spells but also your creatures dealing two more damage for a faster clock. For example, Scorch Spitter becomes more effective than the usual as its attack trigger deals three damage and its regular damage is also three. That totals to six damage for just one creature. Burn spells such as Shock deals four damage and damage triggers like Aether Flash becomes more efficient.

There is a lot of discussions online on the Red’s deck build with Torban but I am pretty sure it will still be as aggressive as ever with Torban as its top curve creature. We are all pretty excited to test him out.