From PVDDR’s Playbook: Highlights from ‘The Eight Best Decks I’ve Ever Played

In his insightful article, “The Eight Best Decks I’ve Ever Played And The Lessons I Learned From Playing Them,” former Magic: The Gathering World Champion Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa shares his experiences with the top eight decks that have defined his career.

By reflecting on these powerful decks, PVDDR highlights their strategic brilliance and imparts valuable lessons learned from each one. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, this article offers a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a champion and the evolving landscape of competitive Magic.

The article “The Eight Best Decks I’ve Ever Played And The Lessons I Learned From Playing Them” by Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa on Star City Games discusses the top eight Magic: The Gathering decks he has played and the lessons he learned from each.

Here are the key points:

 Hogaak at Mythic Championship IV (2019): Recognized the deck’s dominance early and focused on it, leading to good results despite everyone trying to counter it.

Wolf Run Ramp at Pro Tour Dark Ascension (2012): Switched to a new deck at the last minute, which proved successful due to its midgame strength and versatility.

Orzhov Tokens at Pro Tour Charleston (2006): Benefited from team synergy and the unique format, leading to a strong performance.

Flash Hulk at Grand Prix Columbus (2007): Played a powerful combo deck that was hard to stop, even in a hostile environment.

Enduring Ideal at Brazilian Nationals (2006): Took advantage of time zone differences to adopt a successful deck from Japanese Nationals.

Seismic Swans at Grand Prix Barcelona (2009): Used a unique combo deck that surprised the tournament and performed well.

Colorless Eldrazi at Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch (2016): Played a newly dominant deck that performed exceptionally well, despite initial skepticism.

Caw-Blade at Pro Tour Paris (2011): Played a deck that became synonymous with breaking the format, leading to a dominant performance and eventual bans.

The article emphasizes the importance of recognizing powerful decks, adapting to new strategies, and the impact of team collaboration and preparation.

Link to the full article here.