G/W/r Devilish Faye BRO Standard Deck Tech Update

The User-Submitted Decks at the MTG Goldfish website are still my haven of Standard deck ideas for each of the video deck discussions made. This is a good community initiative plus the support of the website admins to be able to cater to a defined database of these decks. A very good reference site whenever you need a decklist that is updated with the recent MTG set.

For today’s blog post, I am featuring a deck that was previously made but did an upgrade with The Brother’s War set. The core strategy is still there and can go off with the moment that there is an opening or maybe when the opponent tapped out to play their threat.

The list’s improvements were based on the idea of a build that can curve well but in the long game can still sustain with powerful cards and top decks. The cards worth the mention are Awaken the Woods, Kayla’s Reconstruction, and Elspeth Resplendent. Jinnie Faye can then turn these tokens into hasty threats for an Alpha strike which can catch opponent players off-guard.

Here below is the MTG deck discussion of the archetype we called “Devilish Faye.” Enjoy and don’t forget to like and subscribe for more MTG Standard Deck discussions.