IKO Card Preview: Splendor Mare

Another day means another batch of Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths card previews and to start with, we have an interesting White creature that is both efficient and useful in the early turns and late-game scenarios. Check out Splendor Mare.

A 3/3 body with Lifelink on turn-three is already decent enough, especially in the Limited format where creature efficiency is an important component. The Cycling bonus is when the situation is you have a bigger threat that can swing the game further to your direction when added with a Lifelink counter. The best move is to cycle it before the combat damage step.

I will auto-include this card in a Standard White aggro deck or at the least in a two-color deck as the mana cost only require you one White mana to cast this creature. This can curve well with the usual White one and two-drops in the metagame.

What are your thoughts on this card? Just share them on the comment box below.

That is a wrap for this Ikoria card preview, until the next blog post.

IKO Card Preview: Splendor Mare
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IKO Card Preview: Splendor Mare
We have an interesting White creature in Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths that is both efficient and useful in the early turns and late-game scenarios. Check out Splendor Mare.