Keep or Mull: The Best Tips on Keeping an Ideal Starting Hand

Setting up a good starting hand was one of my major issues in my early days of playing Magic: the Gathering. That is because I always keep a land-short seven cards with the hopes that I will top deck my next land mana source. Most of the time it fails, and cost me the game.

Keeping an ideal starting hand in Magic: The Gathering can be crucial to winning a game, so here are some tips for building and keeping a strong starting hand:

  1. Understand your deck: Knowing your deck and how it functions is essential to building an ideal starting hand. Make sure you have a good balance of lands and spells that fit your game plan.
  2. Mulligan when necessary: Don’t be afraid to mulligan if your starting hand doesn’t have enough lands or spells that fit your strategy. A mulligan can hurt, but it’s better to start with a smaller hand than to keep a bad one.
  3. Consider your opponent: Think about your opponent’s deck and how it might interact with yours. Keep answers to their threats in your starting hand to give yourself a better chance of success.
  4. Plan ahead: Look at your hand and think about what your next few turns might look like. Do you have enough lands to play your spells on time? Are you missing any key pieces for your strategy?
  5. Be flexible: Sometimes, your starting hand won’t have exactly what you need. Be prepared to adapt your game plan and adjust your expectations accordingly.
  6. Don’t overcommit: Be careful not to play too many cards too quickly, especially if you’re not sure what your opponent is playing. Holding back cards can help you respond to your opponent’s plays and protect your board state.
  7. Practice, practice, practice: The best way to get better at building and keeping an ideal starting hand is to play the game regularly. Take note of what works and what doesn’t, and use that knowledge to improve your starting hands over time.

By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to build and keep a strong starting hand in Magic: The Gathering and give yourself the best chance of success in your games.