I did not actually make the second part of the report regarding my preparation reparations for GP Manila because of time constraints and I think it is already too late so I’ll just have a recap of the event and what were the happenings.
As mentioned on the previous post, the deck that I played for the event was Red Green Aggro and here is the decklist I signed in:
Maindeck3 Ashcloud Phoenix
2 Boon Satyr
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Fanatic of Xenagos
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
4 Heir of the Wilds
3 Polukranos, World Eater
2 Stormbreath Dragon
3 Crater’s Claws
4 Lightning Strike
3 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
7 Forest
2 Mana Confluence
7 Mountain
4 Temple of Abandon
4 Wooded Foothills
2 Arc Lightning
1 Barrage of Boulders
1 Burn Away
1 Chandra Pyromaster
1 Fated Conflagration
3 Destructive Revelry
1 Harness by Force
2 Magma Spray
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Savage Punch
1 Xenagos the Reveler
I had really wanted a playset of Stormbreath Dragon because of the expected matchup against Abzan decks but due to card conflicts with that of JayR’s deck (he also played Red Green) and was not able to borrow cards from Gian, I was forced to stick with just two and added a third Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker.
The sideboard plan was similar to what I have played at the Iloilo Champs so the slight changes were unnoticed. I just stick to what cards to board in against the popular decks. The expected decks were Abzan Aggro, midrange and whip versions, Sultai Whip, Jeskai Tokens and Mardu Midrange.
The Manila Trip
It was the first time I to spend the New Year in the city. That is because I don’t want to be late on my flight the next morning at 11:20am. I chose that schedule because I was somewhat late in booking during the promo months of October wherein a few of my friends was able to get a cheap flight on January 2. I ran out of promo for that day so I had to check the January 1 schedule and that was the most reasonable flight to book.
I thought I was alone and the first person in our group to have this flight to Manila but Cheljohn contacted me that he also was on an earlier flight at 10:50am. We met up on the airport and decided that he’ll go with me to the hotel after arriving in Manila. He will be arriving first so he’ll just be going to my terminal via airport bus after he gets his baggage (he is on Terminal 3 while my plane will be on Terminal 4).
It was somewhat drizzling in Manila as the plane prepares to land and I noticed the thick fog that I think was residue of the New Year’s eve fireworks on that midnight. We arrived earlier that the schedule and it was the deplaning that got somewhat delayed. Anyhow, it was still early as after I got off, I just wait for about 20 minutes outside the terminal when Cheljohn arrived. We then took a cab going to the hotel located in Mandaluyong.
After confirming our booking and a few minutes of rest at the hotel room, we headed to Robinsons Pioneer beside to grab our lunch. JayR will be arriving in the evening so there was enough time for us for R&R and a few playtests. It was a mirror match since Cheljohn was also playing Red Green so we just discussed the best possible sideboard and in-and-outs against specific deck matchups.
JayR arrived around 9pm and then we went back to Robinsons for dinner. The mall was near closing but good thing their KFC fastfood was still open. After that we decided to find some place to drink and hangout for the rest of the night since the GP registration will still be in the afternoon the next day. I suggested that we go to Greenfield District since it was just nearby. We went to this place which I called as a 24-hour pub since it accommodates the agents from the call center which was also within the place. After a bucket of San Mig lights and discussions of past Grand Prix experiences, we called it a night.
To be continued…