It is probably Day 3 of the official previews of the Magic: the Gathering Core Set 2019 at the mothership website and this time for our card feature column, I will talk about equipment that I think will enhance the strategy of creature decks in the metagame.
Presenting today’s Core Set 2019 card feature: Sigiled Sword of Valeron. This card was revealed as part of the Brawl deck that featured Legendary Knights in the Standard format.
Sure it is themed to be part of the Knights tribal deck, but its potential as equipment of other aggro decks is also possible. The focus strategy is on the late-game scenario, wherein you are limited in your options to attack your opponent. This equipment makes you not to commit for possible mass removal instead of dropping one creature at a time. If not checked, you can get away with lots of 2/2 Knight tokens that will easily finish off your opponent. Imagine having a Scraphead Scrounger equipped with this. The creature is given already to be resilient to removal and the Sigiled Sword of Valeron hastens the clock. Plus it gives them Vigilance, which makes it an invalid target for Seal Away. That is a very good bonus.
Do take note that it is not Legendary so having two or more copies on the battlefield is safe. I’d love to add this to my Zombie tribal deck or even to the regular Mono-Black Aggro. My decklist would probably be composed of:
X number of creatures
X number of removals
2-3 Sigiled Sword of Valeron
I have already added this to my preorder list so I’d suggest you do the same while its price has not yet been adjusted.
That is a wrap for now, until the next post.