M21 Standard Deck Update: Temur Elementals

This tribal deck archetype has been in the radar of the Standard metagame and with the recent bannings, it again emerged in the top tier of decks in the format. This is basically an old school build around Omnath but has adjusted a bit in the spell choices to adjust with the other existing decks that it may have difficulty dealing with. Sultai builds is basically the boogeyman in the metagame now as observed in the top decks of the recent Red Bull Untapped qualifier VI and so other decks may need to adjust to combat it.

Here below is the decklist of the Temur Elementals deck played by Takumi Yamasaki which got 8-1-1 record in the event. What is interesting here is that it added Yorion as its companion, making an 80-card main deck.


The deck’s main strategy retains as to get as many mana as possible with your ramp spells and mana dudes, and then cast your best spells. Options here are Genesis Ultimatum and Ugin which can be cheated by the ultimatum. The additional cards in the main to fulfill the companion requirements lets you use utility ramps such as Cultivate and of course a little of disruption with Aether Gust and Mystical Dispute.

The deck can go with the aggressive plan with Omnath dealing bonus ETB damage and also pump your other Elementals.

The sideboard look basic again with the main objective of dealing with Sultai and other Green-based strategies while having Flame Sweep and Lovestruck Beasts for aggro matchups. I like the added Negate even if its a one-of to help protect Ugin or your Ultimatum from counterspells. I’d personally have a second copy to replace Storm’s Wrath but then again, utility sideboard cards can be useful in certain situations so.

There is probably another Red Bull Untapped qualifier this weekend so the expected metagame will again include this deck archetype. That is a wrap for now, until the next blog post.