Magic 2015 Magic Workstation Update


The Magic 2015 Core set full card spoilers have already been released at the mothership site, so we also need to update our Magic Workstation to this recent MtG set. MTG Salvation forums have always been my main source for MWS updates

and as usual, forum members have posted text spoiler and card pics for easy access. Member username Noe3 made the effort in creating the text spoiler for MWS as well as a script to use for updates in cockatrice.

Here is the URL and the link to the M15 text spoiler from Google Drive.

Forum member Warai also posted a Mediafire link to the M15 Full card pics, which you can download at the URL below.

For the guide on how to do the MWS update, click here.

Enjoy playtesting Magic 2015 Coreset on MWS!