Magic: the Gathering Iloilo – The Return of Weekly Tourney Update  

Hey all, I do hope your week started right and Magical in the MTG sense and opening some good cards from your booster packs and winning your local tournaments. I am writing this blogpost as a sort of local tournament update for the Iloilo community.

For everyone’s information, the Saturday Standard event is already in full motion as the regulars are in full attendance every week. I was a witness last Saturday as we were fourteen players in total for the tournament and it was started in the right schedule. Our card pool was able to build a competitive Standard deck to start our weekly grind and so I was the first to pilot it. I finished with a 2-2 record. So that is about it, Saturday Standard is a weekly regular tournament for MTG Iloilo.

The next tournament that we hope to finally push through is the Friday Night Magic with Pioneer as the format. It was in the talks months ago with our local TO and the regular players have agreed to build their decks henceforth. Rei Coo has even ordered some Pioneer Challenger decks to cater to those players who have no initial card pool to begin their deck builds. Considering that most of the players still have the cards for the MTG sets years back, it will just be a little adjustment for the list given that the same strategy from the set’s Standard days is also reflected in Pioneer. The Mono Red Aggro deck for example.

I talked with Rei last weekend and he is planning to have the first Pioneer FNM tournament this coming Friday. I will post an update once it is a go. That is about it for now, until the next blog post.