A Green-White (GW) Auras deck in Magic: The Gathering Pioneer format typically focuses on using enchantments, particularly auras, to enhance creatures and create powerful synergies. This deck archetype aims to maximize the effectiveness of auras and enchantments by applying them to creatures with strong abilities, making them difficult to deal with for your opponent.
Here’s a general idea of what a GW Auras deck in Pioneer might look like:
- Green and white creatures with strong abilities, such as hexproof, lifelink, or evasion, are often included. Hexproof creatures are particularly valuable because they are difficult for your opponent to target with removal spells. The best example is Gladecover Scout.
- Cards like Ethereal Armor, All That Glitters, Staggering Insight, and Audacity can be used to boost your creatures’ power and toughness.
- Auras like Gryff’s Boon and Sentinel’s Eyes can provide evasion (flying) and recursion, making your creatures even more resilient.
- Protection auras like Blessed Alliance or Karametra’s Blessing can protect your creatures from removal spells.
Card Draw:
- Some card draw spells are essential to help you maintain a steady stream of auras and creatures. Cards like Staggering Insight provide this cantrip effect while also gaining you life so you can get ahead of the damage race.
- Green and white have access to some removal spells, such as Portable Hole. These can help you deal with your opponent’s threats, while also setting up your board.
Mana Base:
- A typical GW Auras deck would include a mix of green and white mana sources, with perhaps some dual lands or mana-fixing options to ensure you have access to both colors. There are alot of variants of GW dual lands in the Pioneer format so there would be no problem in the color fix.
Here below is a typical deck build for a Pioneer GW Auras Deck.

Keep in mind that the specific card choices and deck composition can vary, and the metagame may influence your choices as well. Pioneer is a dynamic format, so decklists and strategies can evolve. It’s essential to adapt your deck to the current meta and the decks you expect to face in your local or online Pioneer environment.