Modern FNM 8-17-18 Recap

We finally held a Modern Friday Night Magic after a few months of hiatus, and this time the tournament venue is at Nth Dimension: Comics and Games. Eight players were in attendance. We decided the place there as a way to help the store level up.

I was able to pilot 5-color Humans this time to refresh the deck’s gameplay in an actual tournament. Luckily, I was able to win all the three Swiss matches and got the first place. Here are the rest of the Top 4 finishers.

1st, Mark Ian with Humans
2nd, Sir John Carlo with Mono G Tron
3rd, David Anthony with Goblin Whack
4th, Ace Ashley with Grixis Shadow

Below are the pics I took during the course of the event. The next Modern event schedule would probably on Tuesday as it was declared as a national holiday.