Miss Universe Magic Moment

As I am watching the live stream on Youtube of the coronation night of the prestigious 69th Miss Universe, an idea came into mind. What is a Ms. Universe moment? Can it be compared to be a Eureka (not the actual Magic card) moment?

That spark of joy upon and a winning moment. Or let say just a turnaround event with you from the losing end to winning that Magic: the Gathering matchup. The dream topdeck going into reality. One example was the moment where Gabriel Nassif topdecked a Cruel Ultimatum to get back into the game. Almost all of the best Magic plays in history I saw on Youtube were also their Eureka moment. Drawing that game-winning burn spell before the turn losing to one alpha strike is just phenomenal.

I had a similar experience in a Ms. Universe Eureka moment in my Magic matches and battles. The one that proved memorable was the matchup with the Pro Player Brian Kibler in Grand Prix Singapore 2011 (Standard format).

I played Vampires and mulligan to 5 cards in Game 2. I lost Game 1, and so that was very frustrating that I am starting a crucial game down 2 cards in the starting hand. He kept seven, which is pretty basic, while I had a Swamp as my only mana source. I played that land on turn one and cast a one-mana dude. He played his land as well and passed the turn. I had given hope that time, that I will be stuck on one land and just lose the game after a few turns. It turned out to be a Eureka moment as I draw Dragonskull Summit, the dual land that could fix my mana, and cast my two-drop Vampire. To summarize, I was able to cast Arc Trail to his Myr mana dude while continuously pressuring with the two vamps and he ended up stuck on three lands. I won that game and later on, that match.

The Ms. Universe moment in the Magic: the Gathering sense is where the gameplay shines, even if the hope seemed to be lost.

What is your Ms. Universe moment in Magic?