MTG Arena Grinding Session 1

Yesterday I decided to grind again on MTG Arena and this time on the Quick Zendikar Booster draft format. I only played the Prerelease sealed format on this set last time at our local game store and that I wanted to get a feel more of deckbuilding with the card drafting method. I’ve read a few guides for the card picks and there is a variance of deck strategies that I can base my deck build. I still stick with my Pack 1, Pick 1 as to which my starting colors would be based upon.

I tried Red Green Landfall on my first Zendikar Rising booster draft, which I am quite unsatisfied with because of mediocre cards I’ve passed on and picked. The build was mostly Green with Red for spot removal spells and also some late-game creatures.

Anyways, I still get to optimized the build and after starting with a 2-2 record on the matches, I managed to win straight up to 7.

I faced nailbiting scenarios but I got lucky with the top decks and with optimized gameplay, I was able to survive and won the match. It is a learning experience to appreciate each card’s role and worth in the deck while also checking on the mana curve. That I need to remember for my next draft sessions.