MtG Iloilo Tournaments Recap (Oct. 16-17)

Last weekend’s tournaments were the scheduled Friday Night Magic and the third leg of the Road to ICCON 2015 October League for the Saturday slot. Friday’s attendance were a bit less than that of last week but it is definitely still above average.

I have planned to play Abzan again that Friday but then Raoul was not able to play on the last minute so I had to switch to the reliable Esper Dragons deck. I unfortunately lost my Round 1 against Arthur who was playing Temur. I get to win the next round but coming in Round 3, I was paired up to Mark T and so I just gave him the win to bring him to 9 points and seal his Top 2 rank. I then lastly won my fourth and final round against Mono Red.

Here are the Top 4 players for the FNM tournament:

1st, Mark T (G/W Megamorph)
2nd, Mao (Atarka Red)
3rd, Tonton (Bant Megamorph)
4th, Emerson (Abzan Aggro)

14 players, 4 rounds gameplay

There were 14 participants on Saturday’s Road to ICCON October League 3rd Leg. I played Esper Control again with slight alterations like adding in Narset and Ob Nixilis planeswalkers. I had a strong 2-0 start but then I lost to Eldrazi Ramp and Bant Megamorph on the last two rounds.

Here are the Top 4 finishers of the event:

Road to ICCON October League 3rd Leg
1st, Mao (Eldrazi Ramp)
2nd, Jason (G/W Megamorph)
3rd, Ramon (Abzan Allies)
4th, Tonton (Bant Megamorph)

14 players, 4 rounds gameplay

It was a good practice for this coming Gameday weekend and the Pro Tour has also fueled some deck tech and card ideas to use. We shall see if I will be playing the same deck archetype again. What we need right now is a lot of playtest sessions.