MtG Iloilo Tourney Schedule March 2nd Week

Barely a month to go before the Prerelease of Shadows over Innistrad and the remaining Standard tournaments will just become a memory and a pseudo-tribute to the Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged. Also, we will be having back Sunday Standard Pauper for the new and beginner players.

Here are the details of the MtG tournaments for this week:

March 11, 2016
Friday Night Magic
Standard Constructed format, 80php entry fee.
Top 4 gets an exclusive FNM Promo foil card and Oath of the Gatewatch booster packs
Tourney starts 6:00pm, Rei’s Place

March 12, 2016
Saturday Standard, 80php entry fee.
Oath of the Gatewatch booster pack prizes based on player attendance
Tourney starts 3:00pm, Rei’s Place

March 13, 2016
Sunday Standard Pauper (all-Commons)
40php entry fee.
Card Lot and Dragon Sleeves prizes depending on player attendace.
Tourney starts at 1:30pm
Hi-Gear, Marymart Mall

See you at the events!