There are not much special or big time tourney scheduled for this week aside from the fact that the recent Standard banning will be implemented by tomorrow. As I have mentioned in the last blog post, the players have already adjusted their deck setup as the Field of the Dead had already been exiled or left the format. Tomorrow’s Friday Night Magic will be at Pro Rei’s place and to those who aren’t familiar with the location, it is at A3 Bookstore that is in the street between Robinson’s Mabini street wing and Fuentes street.
Just check out on this map screenshot below. It is difficult to explain the details actually.

Here below are the detailed schedule of the tourneys:
October 25, 2019
Friday Night Magic
Standard format, 100php reg. fee.
Top 4 gets an promo packs and regular ELD booster pack prizes
Event Starts 6:15pm.
October 26, 2019
Saturday Standard
100php reg. fee.
Top 4 gets an promo packs and regular ELD booster pack prizes, or beyond that basing on the player attendance
Event starts at 3:00pm.