MtG Iloilo Weekend Happenings I

It was quite a busy Friday & weekend for most Iloilo players as only a handful were able to participate in the scheduled Friday Night Magic and yesterday’s Duel Commander tournament. Only eight players attended the FNM and the tourney was finished earlier than scheduled as it was only three-rounds. Here are the top four finishers:

1st, Dean (Mardu Midrange)
2nd, Herbert (Mono Red)
3rd, Speedy (Jeskai Tempo)
4th, Mark Ian (Abzan Constellation)

As for Saturday, most of the players traveled to Bacolod city for the Grand Prix Manila Trial event while six of the remaining players went to attend the Duel Commander tournament that morning. I was the TO in-charge for that event and decided that we’d have three rounds to enjoy dueling with our Commander decks. The top three finishers after those rounds are:

1st, Ericson (Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon)
2nd, Mark Ian (Marath, Will of the Wild)
3rd, John (Ezuri, Renegade Leader)

A breaking news last night was one of the Iloilo players that went to the GPT was able to grab the first prize and two byes for the Grand Prix. Big congratulations to Mark Tubola for a job well done. Fyi, he played Abzan Midrange and his finals opponent was Nico, piloting Red Green Monsters. Also congratulations to the two Iloilo players that made the Top 8, Franco and Cheljohn.

I am not sure if there will be a casual playtest this afternoon so I’ll just cut off this report at this point. Hopefully this will be a regular weekend report of the MtG Iloilo local community to the purpose of promoting our hobby as well as gaining more friends.

Until next post.