MTG KHM Card Preview: Calamity Bearer

The Giants race, being part of the Norse mythology and also being referenced in the upcoming Kaldheim Magic set. I’d expect them to be Blue as they are Frost Giants in the tale and in the movie but here is today’s card preview, Red seems to be the home of their creatures.

Check out Calamity Bearer.

Dealing double damage can close out games quickly if given the right creature curve. In this case, however, commonly costs at least 3 mana and so the draws can stagger with one 3-drop and two or more 4-drops. Hence, making it slow to set up the maximized play.

Whether the tribal Giants deck will have an impact in the coming Standard will depend on the number of these new cards that Kaldheim will have and support. There are a few identified cards but I guess I can say again that we’ll have to wait for the complete spoiler first.