No Cycle of Dual Lands for Magic 2014

Wizards revealed today another major change in the way cards are included in a M:tG Core Set. For the first time since Fourth Edition, there will be no cycle of mana fixing lands commonly known as dual lands in the set. From this article Latest Developments by Sam Stoddard, he said that Ravnica has released enough mana fixers to support Standard, and there will be a cycle of dual lands in Theros block. They also said that this help out the environment of the Theros Block, creating a better experience.

Not sure if I am agreeing on this move, but money-wise the current M14 is not worth the buy. That is unless they have cards to fill up the slot of the lands. They already confirmed that Mutavault will be in the set, along with an expensive version of Wasteland. Mutavault’s reprint is okay, but its impact on Standard is still floating.

I’m still hoping to see fortresses, Sunpetals, crags, and the like in the future. It’s not that I’m not tired of these guys getting reprinted. It’s because they standout as one of the best cycle lands in a core set. We’ll see what Wizards will come up in Theros, but I am sure it will still be for a healthy format of the game.

We have until October to play out our core set lands so we better enjoy the remaining months tapping em’ for mana fixing. Until next post.