Post-Rotation Card Investment

I have recently dropped by a discussion thread in the FB group MTG Tambayan about the upcoming Standard rotation wherein the question was “Which cards should you invest on once the rotation happens?”. The sets from Kaladesh up to Hour of Devastation will be out of Standard this coming October 2018.

There were various suggestions commented like on the Planeswalkers, Walking Ballista, and the likes that are playable in Modern or older formats. What I suggested though is the players should invest in the dual-color producing lands, specifically the Kaladesh Fast lands. They may look mediocre but basing on the history of Magic, investing in lands is never a bad thing. I have learned my lesson at the time of Scars of Mirrodin wherein we only kept a playtest of each of the allied-colors fast land. The extras were sold to a mere 150 to 200 pesos each, which was the actual price at that time. Today, each is reaching almost 4 digits because of its use in Modern.

Kaladesh enemy-color fast lands will most likely face the same fate in the coming years. While we might have extras in our card pool, I might want to keep a personal playset on Blooming Marsh, Spirebluff Canal, and Concealed Courtyard. I might check its current price in the market this week and probably start buying by the second week of September. That may coincide with the GP Hong Kong trip so I can also check with the sellers there.

You might want to do a research for other cards that has Modern or Legacy potential if given the time to detail which cards can affect which decks.

To conclude, lands are good long-term investments and that is about it.