Pro Tour Born of the Gods Top 8

After two days and sixteen rounds of Modern and Theros block draft, we finally have the top eight players that emerged from the almost 400 participants to play into Sunday for the title of Pro Tour Born of the Gods Champion.

The top eight is comprised mostly of first timer pros that made it into that rank. They are Shaun McLaren, Christian Seibold, Jacob Wilson, Patrick Dickmann, Chris Fennell, Alkio Anssi, and Tim Rivera and the lone Lee Shi Tian of Hong Kong that is on his second Modern Pro Tour top eight.

It is surprising that no Channel Fireball players made it as it is expected that they will again break the format with innovative decks. I guess it’s the MtG Mint Card team that made it with the Blue Moon deck that Lee is piloting.

Check out the deck tech video below.

The quarterfinals will begin at 10 a.m. Valencia local time which is around 5pm this afternoon Ph time. We will see which player get the trophy & title of PT Valencia Champion.

Pro Tour Coverage can be found here.