PV’s Recommended MTG Strategy Articles

I had my usual browsing on my Twitter tweet-feed and found this interesting tweet by one of my favorite Professional Magic: the Gathering players, Paulo Vitor Damo Da Rosa. He mentioned a thread on r/spikes, which I also follow, about strategy articles and so he decided to share some that got a major influence on him as a player. He listed the articles per tweet on the thread so I will just share the links below and what he mentioned about it.

“Drafting the hard way, by @BenS_MTG

. In my opinion, this is the most important draft article ever written, and it helped me a lot even when though by the time it came out I was already a very good player. Timeless concept, really -”


“On the Clock – Time Management and Magic, by @TheZvi

 . Maybe not as relevant nowadays with online Magic, but still a key article for paper MTG. IMO the best article ever written about slow play and whatnot.”


“Using your time Wisely, by @TheZvi

 . I think the core principle applies more today than when it was written. A lot of the time, the top decks are so close to each other that experience >decklist.”


“Information Cascades, by @thepchapin

 . A very important concept for anyone working on a team and really for everyone now with the internet. This blew my mind at the time I read it.”


How Many Colored Sources do You Need to Consistently Cast Your Spells? – by @karsten_frank

“Mana bases are 50% of our decks and we give them 5% of the attention. Every deck builder should have this bookmarked.”


Who’s the Beatdown II – Multitasking, by Zvi Mowshowitz. I find this to be a more nuanced and high-level version of Who’s the Beatdown. HOWEVER, I cannot find the original 🙁 I found this JP one that can be translated.

