RNA Card Preview: Spawn of Mayhem

It is happening, Rakdos aggro is back. With this card preview, they really have been pushing the Spectacle mechanic to be a huge advantage on its cards. On this blog postcard preview, we will feature a solid three-drop with a Spectacle enabler is just very relevant when you are going into this deck strategy.

Check out Spawn of Mayhem.

Ok so it is basically a 4/4 for four but the bonus Spectacle cost makes it into the three-drop slot. The mana cost is an advantage because it can dodge cards like Ritual of Soot and Vraska, Golgari Queen. The 4/4 body also makes it out of range to Deafening Clarion, a card that mostly destroys aggro decks in the current metagame. Its 10-life-less pump trigger may also help to finish off opponents faster and you can achieve it faster with cards like Arguel’s Blood Fast, losing life while still gaining card advantage.

Seeing the card’s potential in Modern, the Spectacle cost be achieved a lot with the frequent life loss trigger due to the fetch lands and shocklands.

I might be excited to come up with a decklist for Rakdos in Standard but for now, I will just wait until the complete Ravnical Allegiance spoilers are up. We may have more ‘tools’ to work with.