Seeing a Rakdos Aggro Deck soon

The printing of the card Bedevil, probably the most solid spot removal in Standard currently, has somewhat given me hope on the return of Rakdos Aggro in the Standard metagame. Their new mechanic looks to be slower than that of Unleash in Return to Ravnica but I see it as a midgame plan to cope up with other midrange and control decks.

The deck might splash with Gruul as this guild is constantly aggro by nature. I remember facing Jund Aggro back in RTR Standard and could have been my final opponent in the WMCQ (I was playing Naya midrange that time) if I just won my Semis match with Blue-White Delver. The deck curves with big creatures at cheap mana cost and cast for free via Burning-tree Emissary but also have solid removals and late game plan with planeswalkers like Garruk.

Anyhow, losing a life on shocklands for a consistent aggressive start is a good deal for this deck. I may just have to wait for new card spoilers to slowly get the definite build of a Rakdos splashed Green or a tri-color Jund aggro deck. I will update it with another blog post soon, with an initial list and card choices.