Just tonight, I made this short information about the Magic: The Gathering Iloilo Community as my friend Doni requested for a feature on Councilor Love Baronda’s Facebook page as an advocacy to inspire the youth of other hobbies and divert them from drug use.
Here it goes:
First published in 1993 by Wizards of the Coast, Magic was the first trading card game produced and it continues to thrive up until today. The game is usually played by two dueling players who are known as “planeswalkers”, in fantasy game setup who employ spells, artifacts, and creatures depicted on individual Magic cards to defeat their opponents.
Different Playgroups here in Iloilo City have already existed since the late 90s and various local tournaments were held but not until years ago that a local game store was established by one of the players, Rei Anthony Coo. The monthly tournaments upgraded into a weekly event with an added new schedule for Friday Night Magic.
Aside from participating in major tournaments in Manila and Grand Prix events abroad, most of the longtime players spend their spare time playtesting their brewed deck builds as one way of distressing from work or school.
The Magic: the Gathering Iloilo Community also held learn-to-play sessions for those who are interested in learning about the game and also giving the new players Welcome decks. We have recently coordinated with students from the West Visayas State University to hold a learn-to-play event during their University Week. More of this information, as well as future events, are announced on our FB page http://www.facebook.com/magiciloilo/