Standard Budget Deck 1: Mono Green Aggro

Here is a start of series of guide to budget MtG deck gaming, as referenced to that of Gathering Magic’s Youtube vids. We know that this hobby is meant to be expensive if you want to stay competitive, especially in Standard. Let us start with a less-priced version of Mono Green Devotion that has become a pillar deck in Theros Standard format.

Here is a list, with the average price of each card in Ph peso.

3 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx – P350 each x 3 = P1050
20 Forest – P1 each = P20

1 Nylea, God of the Hunt – P300
4 Arbor Colossus – P50 each x 4 = P200
1 Sylvan Primordial – P75
3 Mistcutter Hydra – P100 x 3 =P300
4 Swordwise Centaur – P2 each x 4 =P8
4 Reverent Hunter – P40 each x 4 =P160
4 Burning-Tree Emissary – P40 each x 4 = P160
2 Polukranos, World Eater – P350 each x 2 = P700
4 Elvish Mystic – P5 each x 4 =P20
4 Kalonian Tusker – P30 each x 4 =P120
2 Deadbridge Goliath – P40 each x 2 = P80

3 Pit Fight – P1 x 3 =P3
1 Bow of Nylea – P75

Total deck price: P3,271

The needed Mythic card in the list might be highly costed but that cope up with the regular commons and uncommon that most of them are almost free. Nykthos is given as a popular card and is highly used in most tier one deck so it is expected at that price level. The rest of the rares are at one dollar or 40 pesos each and sometimes even costed below than that.

Most of these price levels are found on standard card & hobby stores, but some you can get it for free from regular players for package deals or if you have friends that are already long term Standard players. They would be very glad to help you out in building your first MtG deck.

That is about it for this first episode. For part two, I might suggest a deck that requires more rares or in demand cards in exchange that it will be more competitive for the format.

Thanks for reading & until next post.