Standard Pauper Deck Updates 2

The return of Standard Pauper tournament last Wednesday was met at a minimum, and that was at 8 players. It was just a short three-round event with me and teammate Arthur on the top two. I played Blue Black Exploit midrange and had two close matches with the Carbo twins; first against Christian playing Mono Red and Allen playing Sultai Dredge. It was still a fun deck to play but then again I had to try some new deck recipes with components from the new Battle for Zendikar set.

The decks we will be trying for tonight are:
-Blue Red Tempo
-Red Green Landfall

This current build of U/R is somewhat similar to that of the Theros-Khans Standard era but is somehow updated with creatures from Magic Origins and Battle for Zendikar. I am interested on how the new Landfall deck will run as compared to its time in the previous Zendikar build. The list looks decent but we shall see in the actual gameplay.

Until the next post.