Standard Pauper is Happening

With the noticeable influx of new players from the recent Guilds of Ravnica Prerelease, I have decided to open for them another opportunity to play competitive Magic. The introductory format that we had agreed with the local gamestore owners is Standard Pauper. This is just in time as the Standard rotation is happening this week and by Friday, Guilds of Ravnica will be playable in Standard and other formats.

With that in mind, I’ve posted in the MTG Iloilo Groups of my intent to hold a tournament for them and luckily I got positive responses. I then followed it up with a voting poll on which they can choose which ideal schedule that they will be available to play and participate. Two days after posting, the top result is the Saturday morning schedule at 10:00am and the venue will be at Nth Dimension. I then asked the owner if he can schedule it and be the TO and he gladly agreed. Here it is below.

I am hoping for a high attendance of the new players so as more prizes and freebies will be given. I would also provide each of them Judge tokens I brought last time so they could have a link to give feedback or ask questions on the Magic rules and stuff. I would thank Nth Dimension for providing the venue and hoping that their products would arrive on time so the booster prizes would that be of Guilds of Ravnica.

Until the next blog post.