THB Card Preview: Archon of Sun’s Grace

For this late-night Theros Beyond Death card preview, I am presenting to you an interesting take on the Constellation ability on a creature that is trying to support an unpopular tribal group. Check out Archon of Sun’s Grace.

Archons usually are being printed in one or two copies in each set with specific combat defining abilities such as non-flying creatures can’t attack. Their take this time is to have a creature token generator via Constellation etb trigger on a 3/4 flying lifelinker. It can also support Devotion as well. That is too much value on a single card!

I would not detail much on its deck archetype uses but it will surely get the four-cc slot in most Enchantment based White aggro and Midrange decks in the coming Standard with Theros.

That is a wrap, good night and see you on my next blog post.