THB Card Preview: Tymaret Calls the Dead

Good day, all. As we wait for the end of the year 2019, we also expect some good old Theros Beyond Death card spoilers and one I have found recently is this interesting Black Saga card named Tymaret Calls the Dead. Check out the card’s ability below.

You all going to say it is quite similar to a previous card in Standard and yes, you are correct. It is the Black version of History of Benalia, or maybe a lesser version. It got no creature board-pumping effect on its third lore counter trigger, but Scrying and gaining life can still be beneficial.

The self mill effect here may be to combine with cards with Escape and other graveyard shenanigans as they can be fueled by this one.

While I initially see it to fit in a tribal Zombie aggro deck, I do not think with the current Standard cards that there is no guarantee that it can be empowered or at least supported. What I see is that it is more fitting in a sort of an Orzhov or Esper Dance of the Manse deck with maybe at least two or three copies of the card in it. We shall see more options as more cards from Theros Beyond Death are revealed in the coming weeks.

That is a wrap for this card preview, until next time.